Huicheng Liu

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Hi, I'm Huicheng Liu (刘惠承)! You can call me either Huicheng or Liu. I was born and raised in Beijing, China and currently living in Toronto. I'm now a Software Engineer at Siemens (Canada) develop and maintaining Linux Based Operating System (Mostly software and some Linux kernel work) with C/C++. Click on the links from the navigation bar above or read the sections below to learn more about me.

A detailed C.V. is available upon request (by email

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Queen's University, Kingston, Canada

Master in Computer Engineering (Sept.2017 -- Dec.2018)

Research Interest: Natrual Language Processing

Main Subject: Machine Learning, Neural network, Pattern recognition, Software Re-engineering, Nonlinear system: Analysis and recognition

Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China

Bachelor in Electronics and Communications Engineering (Sept.2013 -- June.2017)

Main Subject: Embedding system, Data Structure & Algorithm, Communication Network, Wireless Communication


  • Huicheng Liu, Leveraging Financial News for Stock Trend Prediction with Attention-Based Recurrent Neural Network, Preprint [arxiv]
  • Wrote a paper based on the research project research project and submitted arxiv.


    • Python, Perl, C/C++, Javascript, Golang, Java
    • Tensorflow, Pytorch, Django, Spring
    • Spark, Hadoop, Mysql, MongoDB
    • Linux, Vim, Git, Latex
    • All sports